Energías renovables y eficiencia energética en SU proximdad.
A European map for promoting renewable energies and energy efficiency
Achievements in building up the repowermap.org initiative within the framework of the Intelligent Europe Programme
In the project IEE/11/098 REPOWERMAP, the repowermap.org initiative was built up in ten European countries within the framework of the Intelligent
Energy Europe programme of the European Union between 2012 and 2014. As a result of the action, a broad network of organisations, regions, local authorities, companies and other energy actors are participating by now in the initiave throughout Europe. In the Report on achievements in building up the repowermap.org initiative within the framework of the Intelligent Energy Euruope Programme, an overview is given on
activities and results obtained.
The IEE action focused primarily on ten European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Finland, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Poland, and Slovakia. Organisations, local authorities, regions, companies and energy actors from more and more countries are participating in the initiative.
In quantitative terms, in particular the following results were achieved:
43'428 examples were put on the map through a collaborative effort involving a multitude of energy actors.
440 local authorities and regions active in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency were made visible on teh map.
4'263 site visit events were made visible on the map.
4'422 installations have been shown on the map with labels for highly efficient renewable energy systems.
6'564 certified renewable energy service providers have been made visible on the map.
841 unique internet users seeing the map per day. On specific days with special communication activities, up to 2'623 unique internet users seeing the map per day were achieved.
56 local authoritiesa and regions have started participating in the initiative by making known the map known on their websites.
115 organisations have started participating in the initiative by making known the map known on their websites.
The map has been developed both for the web and for smartphones.
Hear more about the initiative in this video from Italy:
The initiative continues and aims to reach more and more people in more and more countries.
Add examples, talk about your experiences or spread the word.
Think globally, act locally!
Would you like to hear more about the initiative, are you interested in a cooperation? To contact us, please find contact details of a the coordinator or a contact person in your country in the list of project partnrs and contact persons.
Here is a picture of a part of the project team, taken in Bratislava. Many more people have participated which are not in the picture.